The theatrical project "The Miser" is an engaging performance based on the famous comedy by Moliere. We worked diligently on creating original historical costumes to help the actors fully immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the work.
Costumes are an important part of any performance, making a significant contribution to creating the characters' images. In our project we aimed not only to convey the style and era but also to emphasize the features of each role and the actors' characters.
The costumes for "The Miser" were designed taking into account all the details to reflect the role and social status of the characters. We used only high-quality materials to create visually striking costumes and ensure the actors' comfort during long performances.
Our team pays attention to every detail, meets deadlines, and considers all the director's, costume designer's, and actors' wishes and requirements. We carefully discussed the costume details to harmoniously integrate them into the stage space and convey the inner world.
As a result of our work the costumes became an integral part of the performance "The Miser," creating a wonderful visual impression and enhancing the actors' performances.
Costume designer: Victoria Sevryukova.